MDO Classes
“Where parents plant, teachers water, and God grows!”
4 hour School Day
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Please follow the guidelines set, exceptions cannot be accommodated.
- Do not sign a child up for more than 1 class.
- Children do not switch classes mid-year when there is a birthday. The class assigned is where they remain for the school year.
- Ages are as of September 30th
Little Lambs 2 days T/TH or 1 day Wednesday
Ages 20 to 23 months
- Maximum of 5 children in a class with 2 Teachers
- Class meets 1 or 2 days per week
- Music and Movement with our Enrichment Teacher every day for 25 minutes
- Tuition: 1 Day $195 Wednesday or 2 days T/Th $300 monthly
Bouncing Bunnies 2 days M/W or T/TH
Ages 24 to 35 months
- Maximum of 8 children in a class with 2 Teachers
- 4 to 1 ratio
- Class meets 2 days per week
- Music and Movement with our Enrichment Teacher every day for 25 minutes
- Chapel Time once per month
- Potty training is NOT required for this class.
- Tuition: $295 monthly
Friendly Frogs 3 days T/W/TH
3’s class (36 to 47 months)
- Maximum of 12 children with 2 Teachers
- 6 to 1 ratio
- Class meets 3 days per week (2-day option is T/Th).
- Music and Movement, Science Class, and Bible Time with our Enrichment Teacher every week. Each class is 25 to 30 minutes.
- Chapel Time once per month
- Must be fully independant in the bathroom. Potty trained children only. Children in disposable diapers or pull ups are not considered potty trained.
- Tuition: 3 Days $360 Tuesday-Thursday or 2 days T/Th $300 monthly
Terrific Turtles 3 days M/T/W
3’s class (36 to 47 months)
- Maximum of 8 children with 2 Teachers
- 4 to 1 ratio
- Class meets 3 days per week
- Music and Movement, Science Class, and Bible Time with our Enrichment Teacher every week. Each class is 25 to 30 minutes.
- Chapel Time once per month
- Potty training is NOT required for this class.
- Tuition: 3 Days $360 Monday-Wednesday or 2 days T/Th $300 monthly
Pre-Kindergarten 4 days M – Th
4 to 5 years
- Maximum of 14 children with 2 Teachers
- 7 to 1 ratio
- Class meets 4 days per week
- Music and Movement, Science Class, and Bible Time with our Enrichment Teacher every week for 30 minutes.
- Chapel Time once per month
- Must be fully independant in the bathroom. Potty trained children only. Children in disposable diapers or pull ups are not considered potty trained.
- Pre-K Graduation Ceremony wearing our cap and gown. Family and friends are invited!
- Tuition: $425 monthly
Ages 3 to 5 years
- An additional hour at school from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- This option is offered in the Fall and Spring
- Must be fully independant in the bathroom. Potty trained children only. Children in disposable diapers or pull ups are not considered potty trained.
Ages 3 to 5 years
- Summer camp is from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for 2 weeks
- Registration is open to the community
- Must be fully independant in the bathroom. Potty trained children only. Children in disposable diapers or pull ups are not considered potty trained.