Supply List
Backpack: Please provide a backpack for your child large enough for your crafts and lunchbox to be placed inside.

PLEASE ATTACH an I.D. Tag with your child’s name and photo to their backpack. This will help us and your child to easily identify his/her backpack.
Plastic or vinyl lunch boxes with handles are preferred for easy wiping and carrying. A lunch box that your child can carry and open/close independently is ideal. All classes with the exception of Lambs will be carrying their own lunchbox and water bottles to the lunchroom.
Plastic or vinyl lunch boxes with handles are preferred for easy wiping and carrying. A lunch box that your child can carry and open/close independently is ideal. All classes with the exception of Lambs will be carrying their own lunchbox and water bottles to the lunchroom.

2’s Classes:
Sippy Cup with Water (please do not fill with milk or juice)
Snack & Lunch
Change of clothes, socks, and shoes inside a Ziplock bag.
Sippy Cup with Water (please do not fill with milk or juice)
Snack & Lunch
Change of clothes, socks, and shoes inside a Ziplock bag.
3’s and Pre-K:
Reusable water bottle (please do not fill with milk or juice)
Snack & Lunch
Change of Clothes, socks, and shoes inside a Ziplock bag.
Reusable water bottle (please do not fill with milk or juice)
Snack & Lunch
Change of Clothes, socks, and shoes inside a Ziplock bag.
Pullups (Turtles if training)
Wipes (Turtles if training)
Wipes (Turtles if training)
We appreciate donations of disinfectant wipes and baby wipes.
Please check your child’s backpack for crafts and notes daily.
For full descriptions and information, please review the MDO Parent Handbook 2023.